We want to hear from you.

We hope you’ll take 10 – 15 minutes to answer this survey about your vision for the future of our community. Your answers will directly affect how the City sets long-term goals and priorities over the next 20 – 30 years and how resources are allocated. We have a great group of staff and professional planners working on this plan – but the foundation must be resident input. We need to hear what the residents of University Park think about our City now – and what they hope for its future.

Please take the survey. Alert your family and neighbors. Then be sure to look for more about the Centennial Master Plan in the coming months. We’ll be publishing the results from the survey. Due to COVID-19, traditional meetings have been postponed. Once life gets back to normal, we’ll have in-person meetings to take more comments and report back. We want to ensure that over the next 20 – 30 years the City of University Park remains one of the best places to live and work.

Centennial Master Plan Committee
Bob Begert, Chair
Dawn Moore, Vice Chair

Paper surveys are available upon request.  Contact ahartwick@uptexas.org or call (214) 987-5303. 

Create your own user feedback survey